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招聘公司: 某知名电器公司 所属行业: 重工、机械制造、机电
工作地点: 浙江省-杭州 年薪: 80万-120万
招聘岗位: operation director 年龄要求: 35岁 ~ 45岁
招聘人数: 1 招聘部门: 总经办
学历要求: 本科以上 工作经验: 10年以上
专业要求: 机械类 发布时间: 2014-09-01

1.Ensure the development of new products into production ensuring competitiveness, overseeing the planning of all project activities for the industrial production of new products launched, monitoring systematically targets relating to the technical best performance parameters for the mass production of products , monitoring the economic and financial activities during the development of the projects, effecting Business Review and monitoring the progress of projects and the dashboard with the industrial variances in line with the planning of the Budget for projects and corporate policies.
2.Ensure the best industrial sustainability of the Group's products through the optimization of production processes and the progressive reduction of industrial costs, planning and coordinating project activities related to the introduction of new efficiency technologies, and new ways of Work Place Organization in order to increase the profitability of the products. 
3.It prepares the budget for investment in the industrial area and allocates resources on the various cost centers in line with corporate policies and business needs.
4.Manage the research and development of the company in compliance with company policies proposing objectives and strategies of research and ensuring the implementation of plans approved in accordance with the provisions of law and managing the Research & Development budget. Manage the R&D Area investment plans, as well as new equipment, both in personnel, in line with Business needs.
5.He is responsible for the material flow from the supply: the planning, scheduling and production control, warehouse management, the internal handling of materials and distribution ensuring the management of production material procurement.
6.He is responsible for the achievement of the objectives for the purchase cost of the materials, contributing to the definition of the strategic business plan and annual budget, developing alternative proposals in terms of purchasing policies and related costs.




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